Dementia travel insurance

Hi, My Dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 10 years ago. I joined this forum then but have recently rejoined due to losing my log in details. Dad has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s related dementia ( sorry not got a definitive title ) My Mum and Dad still like to travel abroad as much as is possible. Like many others my Mum is finding it more difficult to negotiate travel insurance as more medical conditions occur. What my Mum would like some advice on whether she should now declare the dementia diagnosis. I know the official answer so please no judgement. Thanks in advance for your help and advice :rainbow:

Hi Nushka72, and welcome back to the forum.
This is for sure a difficult decision, so we would recommend you call our free and confidential helpline and discuss it with them. They are very knowledgeable and friendly and are always happy to help. You can reach them on 0808 800 0303.
We hope this helps.
Best wishes to you and your parents,
Forum Moderator

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