Differing behaviour at home than elsewhere

Well everything come to a climax. But first, to say to talk to Hubbie about his illness. He won’t I’ve tried over the years he is not able to share emotions, feelings - he tends towards high functioning aspergers. Doesn’t mean I don’t care.

2 weeks ago I went into hospital for a week with bad infection and high blood glucose, as a result now on insulin.

In the week since I’ve been home hubbie has had ambulance 3 successive days due to freezing and falls. The second time he went to hospital, but sent home with antibiotics for a urine infection next day. That night he again fell. We do not share a bedroom for many reasons. Around 11 pm he called me to help him get up to loo. I’m not a strong woman and lost my muscle use in hospital due to neuropathy, gradually returning to a degree - so pulling him by one hand I managed to get his hand on bathroom door - it is en suite and managed to use bathroom. He was due to have carer in this morning but when I checked on him this morning he was on the floor with duvet under him so I called ambulance again. They’ve taken him back to hospital. I am sharing this because it has been so traumatic for is both. How awful to see what this beastie disease does. Also, he is confused kept telling me and ambulance crew he could smell drugs, he asked me it was me. When he gets confused he can be aggressive - first day i came out of hospital he had a bad day. Asked me why I had changed- was I on drugs. I said not me that’s changing - but realised rationalizing with him when he is this frame of mind is waste of effort. Next day he was sweet and could do enough. This flip flopping always takes me unawares. Not first time he asked if I’m on drugs, very upsetting as I’m so anti drugs and never even smoked pot!. Not looking for solutions as there are none short of a miracle, and keep.praying for him, for us. Just need to share as seeing him in this state is so saddening.

Nobody deliberately contracts Parkinsons…
Nobody wants it.
I have a difficult job which involves being responsible for over 100 families. I have to keep the Parkinsons at bay for long periods of time, which is stressful in itself.
Home is where I can relax and maybe give way to the disease a little.
I can’t fight it 24/7.
I am generally happy to be alone during this time but I don’t want to be totally isolated from the family.
This is my recovery time. I might not want to interact with anyone and my face often goes to mask mode. I know that my family think that I am putting it on sometimes. I’m not…
I have had a couple of falls at home due to being less vigilant than I am at work.
We all cope in different ways.
Please be understanding.
None of us is deliberately out to make life difficult for anyone
Peace and love to all

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Absolutely agree. Very cruel disease affecting so many. Bless you for trying so hard in the face of such difficulties.

The way I see it there are two choices. Make the best of things, or give up. Parkinsons has completely changed my life. Turned it upside down. From alpha male to sometimes a stuttering, stumbling weakling. I’ve never been good at resting. I’m learning… I’m learning a lot of things. My blood pressure is under control for the first time in years… This disease is different for everyone… Find your own path and have fun doing it.
Love and peace