The the electric bed pushes you in the wrong place so that was about £500 mistake but I use it and find it great but tis very soft.
the o t did give us a little platform for him to stand on to make him a bit taller before he sits on the bed for me to lift his legs in, this is useful
I dont understand what these other gadgets are can anyone suggest something that will help you into and out of bed when u got the parky probs and cannot see either? I read about the rope and might try the mo he sits on the bed and i swing his legs in for him if he cant do it, as we all know it all depends on energy. and getting out I roll him onto his side , push his ankles off the bed so they are hanging in mid air, then he puts a hand on the mattress, I get hold of his shoulder blade and we go 1,2,3,UP!! This works 8 times out of 10. when he cant do it him self. lots lvo Sunray
Hi Has anyone had the good fortune to have an electric bed leg lift. I know they are expensive but at what cost to my back as I try to help my husband get in and out of bed. He has to go to the loo 4/5 times during the night which makes things even worse. A leg lift seems to be the only answer as we already own a adjustable bed and have satin sheets and a grab rail but still he is struggling badly.
Also has anyone tried the spoon from America which helps people with tremer to eat. It all sounds extreme but if they would work for him it would be well woth the cost.
Best Wishes to all Juliet
Hi Everyone
Has anyone heard of a electric leg lift and has anyone got or tried one. Also has anyone tried the spoon from America for tremor
My husband is very weak and cannot pull himself in and out of bed. We have an electric bed it does not help at all.
Best Wishes Juliet