Difficulty obtaining Mirapexin

Once again I’m having difficulty getting Mirapexin from pharmacy for my husband today they did send 80 that have been owing from beginning of January. Despite numerous phone calls & they suggesting I get another prescription & go elsewhere, On taking issue with this the 80 owing was ordered. Today arrived with Mixapixen label on a difference brand box & a mixture of brands inside no Mirapexin. Our GP writes the brand on the prescription due to my husband being on a trial before & trying other brands during years which didn’t agree with him. I know Mirapexin is more expensive however the pharmacy is paid for that if requested . Is it right for them to substitute

Hi @Franced1,

Apologies that you haven’t received any responses to your query. I have raised this issue internally and we haven’t received any news about a shortage of Mirapex. It sounds to us that this may be a local issue - can you send me a private message with the name and location of the pharmacy so we can look into this in more detail?

Best wishes,