Do you drive & have Parkinson's? The DVLA are looking for volunteers to test their new digital service

Hi all,

The DVLA have been in touch with us as they are developing a medical service for drivers to tell DVLA about their medical condition digitally rather than using the paper forms. 

To make sure the new service is successful they are looking for feedback from people with a range of medical conditions, including Parkinson's. 

This will involve a one-to-one session, and they are using a range of locations around the UK. All feedback will be anonymous and participants will be sent £40 after the session to thank them for taking part.

If you're interested in attending a session please contact Trudy Walsh, Quality Fieldwork and Research Services (QFRS) who act on behalf of DVLA at [email protected] or on 01922 214 848.



Digital team. 

Hi Joanne,

When I get my driving licence re-instated......assuming I do.....I shall apply to attend a session!

Thank you for the information.


About time - the form we have to complete is four pages long (and repeats some of the questions twice) so it could be done a lot better. It feels very archaic posting a form these days!