Do you use complementary therapies?


My name is Sion and I work on The Parkinson magazine. 

For the next issue we're doing a feature about complementary therapies, and we're looking for people who would like to share their story about their experiences. 

Maybe you regularly have acupuncture, or find that massage helps your symptoms?

Or maybe you've tried a complementary therapy and found it hasn't helped at all? We're interested in both positive and negative experiences. 

If you would like to share your story please get in touch at [email protected].





Clinical reflexology helps with neck stiffness, nerve pain works well for me, reflexology at a beauticians is more for relaxing Clinical works more with the nerves, mine could even tell I had one Fallopian tube, or if I have had a headache recently feet are the nerves to all parts of the body. I also have Adult ballet lessons amazed how much more movement I have in my shoulder and arm, after all it is only like Physio slow and very good for your posture.