I could write a novel but I’ll try to be brief as I can.
3 years ago I started getting twitches all over my body, some jerks.
It went away after about 6 months about 99%
2 years ago I started feeling off-center/dizzy-like
8 months ago my gait felt weird, joint pain in my right hand, nerve-like weakness in my right arm/hand and right leg/foot, and cramp-like feeling in the meaty parts of my right hand and right foot.
Severe brain fog the past year as well. I feel slower, and have derealization-like feelings all the time.
My life is seriously put on hold. I can’t work, etc. I’ve seen many doctors… they don’t know. I also live abroad in a country I don’t speak the language so I try to get information first before appointments so I have some information.
I read that YOPD usually has many of these, but is it common to start out like this? I only have a tremor if I do a sit-up for example, and it’s more of a jerk on the way down.
Are these common for people with YOPD?
Thank you very much.