Drink drink

Hello , I know I have mentioned this before, it is in fact why this post is so short, but please remember to drink plenty of fluid, yesterday I did not and last night until 6.00am I went through hell, the combination of slow release Madopar and lack of fluid intake produced the most terrifying hallucinations horrible images, tactile and audio , whispering voices and some sort of creature crawling towards me, I am more mobile so I now have the choice of immobility or visions from hell, the catalyst for terror was my low intake of fluid all day  yesterday I drank very little, I just forgot, so please drink plenty, I would not want anyone to go through the worst of the worst night terrors like wot I did.


Thanks Fed,

I'll remember that - I am just about to start taking a slow release Madopar before bed.


Hello Mike    I  had a decent night last night I think it was as a result of plenty of fluid intake yesterday plus I took the drug at 11.30 so it was filtering through my system when I went to bed at 12.30am, I am hoping the same system works tonight, so Im off now, I hope you have or had a good night depending on when you read this postsmile

                                                   Kindest Regards   Fed


Normal madopar also requires lots of liquid to work well. some people recommend fizzy water.


           Thanks for that turnip, I have upped my intake considerably since that incident and things are much better, Humans can be amazingly stupid at times  cant they,and its not the first time that wot eye av dun itttt.

           2 "  NOW LOOK I WONT TELL YOU AGAIN" 22222II, Right youve asked for it,,,,,,Hello I am Feds much better half,   L   he is giving his laptop the thrashing of its life at the moment, I am attempting to  rescue it as it is one of the most sophisticated and expensive you can buy,and as you know he thougt it might be a good idea to spill a couple of gallon of water over his last one, which was also very expensive so I will take it off him until he calms down,,,"NO YOU CANT HAVE IT BACK, NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM".evileye roll

                                     Regards  Fed( Mrs )

Thank you for this as a bed sharer l have been on the receiving end of these nightmares and have spent many times been woken suddenly from deep sleep by my husbands terrors. I have been telling him i didnt think he was taking enough fluids so having read this out to him has made him more aware. thank you for sharing
Thank you for this as a bed sharer l have been on the receiving end of these nightmares and have spent many times been woken suddenly from deep sleep by my husbands terrors. I have been telling him i didnt think he was taking enough fluids so having read this out to him has made him more aware. thank you for sharing


  big grin   Hello Florence, I am writing this in Italic in honour of your name, as  Florence is in Italy, regarding the dreams I have been battered and tortured by these hideous images for twenty years and I have developed a method " while sleeping"  of using CBT I learned this curios way   of dealing with the terrors by ,, while in thr dream of using maximum aggression against your aggressor and it works, I CAN DEFEAT THEM, by shouting at the top of my voice to F2@@77788OFF GO AND JUMP OFF THE TYNE BRIDGE YOU B333££@@rd un fortunately a situation has arisen as a direct result of the terrors, my wife sleeps alone I have beaten and kicked her and even tried to rape her on one  voyage   through hell, she was badly bruised by the ferocious attacks for which I feel so guilty, there is no physical contact at all now ,no passion no sweet  kisses ,and I miss those lovely times, all because of Night Terrors., I know this post wont exactly cheer you up but it does seem to be worsening as I  get older so I know i am  in for a rough ride, so hang on to your hat Florence  I wish you well.

                                                   Kindest Regards                   Fedeye rollcool