Hello there. I joined here about 20 months ago after being diagnosed with tremor dominant PD. I suspected my aripiprazole was causing the symptoms. It was stopped and things improved but never completely went away. Now the symptoms seem to be creeping back. I have an appointment next week with the neurologist having contacted the service with my concerns.
Has anyone else here had apparently drug-induced PD which actually bounced back or, if it cleared up, how quickly did it go for you? I’ve read it can take 2 years to clear up for some people but can’t find an actual source for this statement. Any thoughts? I want to be prepared for my appointment but have also been struggling with the uncertainty for months now. Even if a DAT scan is arranged for me it could still be months until I know more.
Hi Sunspots,
Thanks for reaching out! We have some information on our website regarding drug-induced parkinsonism which you may find helpful.
Whilst there isn’t a specific time-frame most people do recover from drug-induced parkinsonism, often within a few days or weeks, once they have stopped taking the drug that causes the symptoms. Neuroleptic drugs (used to treat schizophrenia and other severe mental health conditions) are the biggest cause of drug induced parkinsonism. They block the action of the chemical dopamine in the brain.
If you would like any support or advice to help prepare you for your appointment then please do reach out to our helpline: 0808 800 0303.
Wishing you the best of luck.
Parkinson’s UK Moderation Team
Hello Freya
Thank you for your reply. I’ll have a look at the website information.
I’ve done lots of personal tesearch and I don’t seem to fit the usual pattern for PD or DIP hence looking for personal experiences now. I am also struggling with almost 2 years of uncertainty and that prompted me to seek others’ experiences at this point.
Thank you again for the pointer.
Best wishes, Tania
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Hi there - my husband suddenly got very poorly with stooped gait and balance issues etc. etc. - typical PD - and a really chronic cough that was so violent one night last Christmas time that I went on the internet in the middle of the night to check ‘what deficiency could cause a chronic cough’ and it was B12 deficiency - I have had his bloods tested on B12 and his levels were 680 top of the range 800 but I gave him 1,000 ug of B12 I happened to have in my stock and the cough went immediately - he had had this cough for over 10 years was told it was reflux - post nasal drip etc. etc. but it wasn’t at all. In my opinion this shows that the need for B12 in a PD scenario is far higher than a blood test result would show. Apparently a good way to see if B12 is getting into the cells is to have a homocysteine test and if that is high you have low B12. He has improved with his PD symptoms too and Vitamin D helped with balance issues so getting there without drugs being needed thank goodness. By the way if homocysteine is high then Vitamin B 6 will get this down as I have also proved and B6 helps with fatigue etc.