Good Morning Everyone, I have to go into NTGH on the week beginning the fifth of
March,to begin tests. I am once again in a quandary ,if I pass the tests I will
have the OP ,but will have to miss my trip to Normandy as I will not have recovered enough from the OP,If I delay the tests until I return from france, I may miss out altogether as our (MUST AVOID POLITICS) wonderful compassionate
government(The NHS is safe in our hands)is once again about to b....r up the system that has worked so well for everyone at NTGH,so if I delay the funding may
be withdrawn altogether so its a no brainer really .I know it sounds ungreatfull
but visiting the beaches of Normandy and paying my respects to the men who perished to save us has been at the top of my "Would like to do list" since I was
16-17 yrs old, It was all arranged, a beautiful French farmhouse almost within
walking distance of the beaches , but never mind can do another time. The reason
I am sending this post is for a completely different reason, a very brave Lady
came to see me yesterday, Anne and Brian if you are reading this, thank you so much you made me feel more confident,Anne has been using DUODOPA for more than two
years and described it as a miracle , it has changed her life, so lets hope old fed can report back to you all with a similar story ,my new friends gave up their
time to visit me yesterday as I was feeling most unwell, but that seems to be the way people with this pig of a disease behave, we recognize a kindred spirit, and
it seems so easy to be kind to each other, so out of suffering comes new friendship and generosity . I am off to build a SPITFIRE now for a certain BL