Dystonia of the wrist/hand

Hi I was newly diagnosed at 34 with yopd in March this year. For the last month or two my hand/wrist has been curling inwards and I wondered if that is what dystonia presents as? Just unsure whether or not to mention it to the nurses as I’ve also had worsening of tremor the last few weeks. Thanks in advance

Hi Jezkyle,

We would recommend relaying any and all changes to your medical team as soon as possible. For more info on distonia, have a look at this page of our website. Muscle cramps and dystonia | Parkinson's UK.

As a reminder, it is very easy to search terms on the site, and if you’d prefer to speak to someone over the phone you are encouraged to call our free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303.

All the best,

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