Exercise and Parkinson’s

I remember when my brother got diagnosed and suddenly it felt like everyone and their grandma was recommending some kind of physical activities. I mean, walking’s cool, but it gets old real quick, you know? And joining classes or hitting the gym? Yeah, not my bro’s cup of tea either.

So, he tried the whole online class thing, and props to the English National Ballet for that Parkinson’s-friendly ballet class. Live and real-time made a huge difference. But, man, the struggle with buses and trains to get there - exhausting, right?

Hello grozavoron
That was precisely my point when I started this thread. Finding something you enjoy in terms of exercise/physical activity is what we are continually told. Not only is that not always easy to do, I mean where do you srart if you are not a naturally ‘sporty’ person but over and above that are the barriers that can make this difficult - and as you so rightly point out just getting to a venue and back can be exhausting if reliant on public transport. My solution has been to have a personal trainer come to my home. That has proved to be an excellent decision for me. I hope your brother will find a sustaibale form of physical activity and wish him luck in so doing.

Hi All,

I run a boxing class, via my local group Redbridge &. Epping Forest Group, my details are on the Boxercise | Parkinson's local support finder

Having taught martial arts/ boxing for many years (35) I adapted sessions for PWP.

Wherever one goes always check safety and there knowledge of the condition we have.

I have been to other London groups and delivered demo sessions, I have also been to see other group sessions and seen some not so good practice.

Aswell as the physical aspect the social interaction is very important.

My sessions include the 4 main elements:

  • Balance
  • Strength
  • Cardio
  • Flexibility

I have what in Pro Bas Bloems words is the ‘Optimistic’ gene.

Happy for anyone to PM for any advise I can offer.

I can be followed on social media Dopamine_Warriors

Hi Tot,
Enjoyed reading your post. Thanks. I have joined quite a few exercise classes: Pilates, Tai Chi, dance and Yoga and get a regular class with a personal trainer. I noticed and improvement in mobility and feeling good over the past few weeks. Most of these classes close down over Xmas so its been a bit quiet. I am trying my best to keep it going which is not totally successful. Sometimes you don’t like going to a class and fight against it but force yourself to go and are glad about it afterward. I will be happier when my classes are running again in early January. All the best.

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Hello HappyMondays
It was nice to hear you enjoyed my post and it looks like you have got your own exercise regime sorted. You are quite right, sometimes it does take a bit of effort to get to a class (and all too easy to give yourself a reason which is really an excuse not to go) but you do always feel better if you do make the effort. It is also true that it is harder for most people to keep things going on their own - as you have found when your classes closed down over Christmas. One of the main advantages of having a personal trainer who comes to my home is that it is a fixture in my diary, so however I’m feeling she comes so I do it and I don’t have to think about how to keep things going on my own because she has planned it all lol.
I wish you continued success with your exercise regime in 2024.
Happy New Year

Hello again
I came across this last week

and thought it worth bringing to the attention of people on this thread particularly although I hope others will pick up on it. I have tried various YouTube videos but don’t generally go back to them as they tend not to hold my interest that well - some are too complex, some seem to take an age to get going, some have good exercsies but I lose interest with too much chat in between and so on, some I just find a bit boring etc - in other words they just don’t suit me for one reason or another. Not so this one. Since finding it I’ve done it every day on days when I have not had sessions with my personal trainer and I enjoy it very much even when pn my own. It lasts about 40 mins. The lady’s name is Lauren Lewis of Power for Parkinson’s Move & Shout and I have since discovered she has loads of videos on just about every subject yoiu can think of in relation to Parkinsons and exercises. She has an easy presenting style, builds up the exercises over the course of the video and you can easily do them at home. I shall be looking at others to ring the changes. If you can’t get going, are looking for something specific, looking to try something different or are just curious I would encourage you to look at these videos. If you put lauren lewis exercises for Parkinson’s in the YouTube search you will easily find her. If you do give it a go I would be interested in what you think.
Best wishes

Hi Tot just watched Lauren’s video that you found, its amazing I have been going to a Hall up in Eastwood Nottm it is called movement class by Nigel, and most of the exercises you see in move & shout we do, and you do feel better after, Many thanks for bringing it to my attention.

She’s got a whole load of videos mary1947 and I use them on days I don’t have my personal trainer who also rates her videos highly. Glad you found the link helpful I hope the videos help.
PS please spread the word where applicable sometimes it’s hard to know where to post something and I do think these are worth knowing about

Have you considered Tai Chi or Qigong? No getting up and down like yoga, and should have very varied movements.

Hi Tot yes I think these workouts are great, even my husband is now doing these and for anyone who reads this. Do have a go you have nothing to lose,

Thanks mary1947 I am so glad you are finding them useful and your husband joining in is a bonus indeed. I am so glad I found her videos it means alongside my formal sessions 3 x pw on the other 4 days I now do a Parkinson’s specific video and, whatsmore enjoy it.

Morning Tot not in the right place for posting but have sent an email to the forum staff, Just have had e-mail about AA could be brought up to date eg with PP plus!! so if you are retirement age and have a disability you will be able to claim eg for car allowence.

Hello Mary 1947
Just wondered how you were getting on with the exercise videos. Tried a new one today, her first of 2024 apparently. It’s quite a challenge lol. Hope you are finding them as good as I do and hope you are keeping well.

Hi Tot mobility getting worse, but still doing exercise, maybe not quite as the videos shows but hanging on in there.Will take a look at other exercise’s all we can do is our best, but i am still here.

Hello mary1947
Sorry to hear you are struggling a bit more but not surprised to hear you are hanging on in there. As you say all we can do is our best and you are continuing to do that as you always have. You don’t shy away from being honest about how your Parkinson’s is affecting you nor do you stop trying to find ways to live with it that gives your life some meaning and quality. That’s not an easy balancing act and you have my absolute respect for the dignity and tenancity you have shown in managing your Parkinson’s and for the empathy you have for others in your replies on the forum. I will certainly be taking a leaf out of your book as my own Parkinson’s progresses.

Hi Lesley i did try kick boxing but this was not me at the same time a Tai Chi class was going on in the next room, I did join them and have being doing Tai Chi for 10 years or more, but when i could no longer stand or turn around i did pack it in, yet to-day after not doing Tai Chi for about 2 years I had a word with Elaine the teacher she has taken me under wing and set me my own version of Tai Chi,

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mary1947 I was delighted to read your post this morning and that you can now restart the tai chi you had been practising for such a long time, thanks to a teacher who is able to adapt your routines. I hope you get much pleasure and benefit from taking up tai chi again, an exercise you didn’t expect to be able to do again. Wonderful news.

Cheers Tot x

Hello Mary1947,
Glad to hear that you have found Elaine and she is coming up with some adaptions to assist you. I also do Tai Chi and Qi Gong both which I started just before the first lock down.

Both are delivered on line with up to 6 participants who you can see and we generallh have a chat amongst ourselves before or after the session. As my symptoms got progressively worse and on line members dropped off as the studio was now open, Shirley & Tony adapted both my sessions so I could continue. I mainly now practice Qi Gong as it is easier to adapted for seated only. But legs still get a work out, however importantly I still manage to reach the state to be able to feel the Chi flowing and I feel so relaxed after the session.

Hope you manage to keep up your Tai Chi, best wishes John :sunglasses:

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Thank you John for you kind words I am going to keep going to my Tai Chi for as long as I can, Where I live Elaine has 3 session’s new comer’s/ step up to group 2 ans the advance group. Before PD and Covid I was in the last group and had completed the Fan Form, but no matter times I go i wont reach the fan form sessions
thnks again xx

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