Exercise at the gym

I have been diagnosed in Feb. of this year. I’m taking Sinamet 3x a day. I’ve started feeling weaker so I am going to the gym to try and regain some muscle . It hasn’t helped my balance yet. Does anybody else use the gym? What is your experience of strengthening?

Hello DaveS … I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in June 2023. I take 6 x Sinemet pills a day. I too suffer with fatigue / tiredness / lack of sleep. A never ending circle really.

What I would suggest is taking one of the NHS neurological physiotherapy courses who have Parkinson’s physiotherapists. They are free of charge through your Docs or direct. 6 x 1 hour a week in a hospital gym, also do swimming pool exercises.

Might be a good thing to do. I found it helpful.

Best wishes

Thanks for the info Steve, I have emailed my local physio team and await a reply. Unfortunately I have to go through a referral by GP or someone, I can’t self refer :frowning: F

Hello DaveS

Thank you for sharing - and our wonderful community should be able to offer you some testimonials.

Our website is also full of information regarding exercise and Parkinson’s - definitely check it out here: Physical activity and exercise | Parkinson's UK.

All the best

Hi , I was also diagnosed in Feb 24. I excercise every day apart from Saturday. I vary swimming, Pilates, yoga, and low free weights. My neurologist said to excercise each day, low meds. Feel great both physically and mentally . He is certain keeps progression at bay. Doing classes also good for meeting new people

Thank you Mary. I go to the gym on Monday and Friday and I started out with low weight and high repetition. I’ve increased the weight and lowered the repetition.