False positive Datscan

Hi all,
has anyone heard of a abnormal Datscan being called a false positive because you were talking opiates for pain manage,net at the time of the test?

Hi @Jumpinjackflash,

A warm welcome to the forum.

As this is quite a niche question, I think it’s best if you contacted our helpline and speak to one of our advisers about abnormal Datscans. If you give them a call on 0808 800 0303 they’ll be happy to speak to you about this in more detail.

Hope you find this useful.

Best wishes,

Hi just following up.
I changed neurologists. Who accepted the Datscan results as an indicator of Parkinson’s. He formally diagnosed me with PD and then started me on Rytary to go along with the Azilect I was already taking.

Life is better. I’m coping. Daily exercise is key for me.
