Fatigue, nightmares & insomnia

Good afternoon Parkinson’s People. Anyone who has read my posts here will know that I am 70 years old & have Atypical Parkinson’s, Neuropathy, High Blood Pressure & have had a couple of Atrial Fibrillation attacks.

I am on quite a few drugs Sinemet, Amitriptyline, Ramipril, Bisoprolol & Apixaban.

As well as the symptoms I have with my medical conditions I also have the side effects of the medication I take.

As well as fatigue I often have nightmares of the most horrific kind. Throw in insomnia & my heavy duvet ending up on the floor.

So I told my Parkinson’s nurse & my GP, who referred me to the head GP at the practice I go to. Together they agreed to prescribe me 25mg of Quetiapine a day.
Starting at 12.5 mg for 7 days to see if I tolerate it.

I was after sleeping tablets which I have been refused.

I was told to take half a tablet 30 minutes before going to bed which I did. I was in bed at 10pm & fast asleep in literally seconds. I had 10 hours undisturbed sleep & when I woke my bed looked as though no one had slept in it. I did dream but not unpleasantly so. My second night on the pill was equally good.

One 12.5mg pill literally knocked me out. I will be reluctant to take a 25 mg pill in
5 days time as the pills are so strong. I am amazed that patients can take
800 mg a day.

Just thought I’d share as others may be having sleeping problems & nightmares.

The pills do come with risks & I am being given blood tests in 3 weeks time.
I also tick a few of the “don’t take if” boxes. But 25 mg is looked on as a very small dose.

Best wishes

About quetiapine-Brand names: Atrolak, Biquelle, Seroquel, Sondate, Zaluron

Quetiapine is a medicine that helps with mental health conditions such as:

  • schizophrenia, where you may see, hear or feel things that are not there or you believe things that are not true, or you feel unusually suspicious or have muddled thoughts
  • the mania symptoms of bipolar disorder, where your mood changes between feeling highly excited (mania) and very low (depression)
  • depression in bipolar disorder
  • depression (quetiapine is only used together with other medicines for depression)

It can help to prevent mania and depression if you have bipolar disorder.

It’s an antipsychotic medicine that works by affecting chemicals in your brain such as dopamine and serotonin. It does not cure your condition, but it can help with the symptoms.

Quetiapine is only available on prescription.

I was very interested to see that “It’s an antipsychotic medicine that works by affecting chemicals in your brain such as dopamine and serotonin. It does not cure your condition, but it can help with the symptoms.”

As everyone here knows Parkinson’s sufferers have a lack of Dopamine in their brains.

Best wishes

Hi Steve, I just found your post. I’m glad really that it’s not just me! I sleep a couple of hours then am awake for 3 or more, then fall asleep again to the most horrific nightmares. Truly awful. I’m glad that you found a resolution :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning Sue … Sadly the nightmares are back. My GP suggests increasing the Quetiapine dose which I don’t want to do. Part of my problem is the Bisoprolol pills I take for my A-Fib condition. I stopped taking the Bisoprolol 4 days ago & I slept much better BUT I had an A-Fib attack last night so I am back on the Bisoprolol pills.

I do hope things improve for you.

Best wishes

Oh no, I’m sorry about that Steve. I hope we all find some sort of resolution. I’m currently so very exhausted that I don’t know what to do with myself. Living in hope of a fix. Best wishes to you.