
My husband (who was diagnosed with PD last May)recently tested positive for Covid and although he has now recovered, his fatigue is worse than ever. He has always suffered from poor sleep, but this has got worse. He often can’t get to sleep till 4 or 5 am an consequently wakes up about 11am and doesn’t get up till 1pm. He does try to go for walks but often drives to a place but then has no energy to get out of car at all. Similarly, today, he went out to tidy the garage but came back after 5 mins, saying he had no energy & went to bed. He is 77 & takes Sinemet 3 times a day. He is becoming more & more depressed & can’t see the purpose in his life as he has no quality. Can anyone offer me any advice, please? Thank you.


Hi McKenzie,

We’re very sorry to hear this. We would of course suggest you contact his medical team, as your husband may need an adjustment or change in his medication. Secondarily to that we have a helpline staffed with wonderful advisers who can assist you in finding resources that can make things easier for your family. You can reach them on 0808 800 0303. You will find testimonials to their warmth and helpfulness throughout this forum. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

With our warmest wishes,
Forum Moderator

Good morning McKenzie … So sorry to hear your husband is suffering from poor quality of sleep & fatigue.

I am 70 & was diagnosed with Parkinson’s following a positive Datscan in June 2023. I am also on Sinemet 2 pills 3 times a day. I too suffer from poor sleep &
fatigue which means I cannot walk far. I only walk when I have to do so [going to pharmacy / Doctor’s etc].

If I have no reason to get up I frequently stay in bed napping till 11.30am. But once
I am up I feel less tired.

I go indoor bowling most days & that interest motivates me.

I have been on Sinemet about 4 months & I have found that it gives me more stamina to be able to bowl every day.

Your husband’s extreme fatigue may be the effects of Covid / long covid not the
Sinemet / Parkinson’s. Has your husband benefited from the Sinemet ?

At age 77 I would not want to be tidying the garage.

I am on a 6 week Parkinson’s exercise course at the local Conquest Hospital Gym [once a week]. It is an hour long & I do find it helps me.

Best wishes

There is also a great free YouTube channel called ‘Power for Parkinson’s’. Lots of exercise videos for all ages, fitness levels etc. I’ve already done a light weights workout. Knackered now. :rofl: It is important to keep mobile.

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Hi Dusty68 … I have been given a work-out exercise sheet by the person running the hospital Parkinson’s exercise course. I am supposed to do these exercises every day.
I have told her I do them but I don’t. It is a lot easier just turning up at the gym & do the exercises with another Parkinson’s person on the course.

I do go indoor bowling up to 6 times a week & I feel I get a lot of benefit from that.

I am tired & I struggle to motivate myself to do the exercises on my own.


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mckenzie … Advice … Here are a few things I do.

I go to bed at 10pm tired or not. I have my laptop & I put on a podcast that interests me [usually sport]. I find I fall asleep during the podcast, although sometimes I do not sleep at all. But it does work for me on the whole. If I do not do this I just lie in bed worrying about stuff …

If I have had a bad night I always sleep well the next night.

At the end of each day I write in my diary how I have been & give the day a mark out of 10. This classes each day as bad, ok or good. It helps me get a long term view of how I have felt rather than getting down after having a bad day. I have a lot more good days than bad days.

It is very important to have an interest. I have bowls, your husband needs something.

Does he walk on his own? Maybe join a weekly walking group so that he has people to talk to.

Best wishes

As your husband considered deep brain stimulation

I wonder if it is also lack of motivation? I get that a lot (diagnosed in 2019). Maybe try to walk from home rather than go to the effort of driving somewhere. Just round the block to start with. Start small and build up. I try to walk every day, unless I have some other exercise scheduled.

I also agree with @Steve2, it’s important to have an interest, with me it’s cycling and badminton and helping out at a charity. Maybe your husband could rekindle an old interest.