I’m a 69 year old retiree.
It was April of this year when I was concerned that, what was first thought to be an essential tremor was possibly PD so I had the doctor refer me to the Neurology department at Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital. I received a reply from NHS confidential informing me to wait up to 3 weeks for an appointment, and If no appointment was scheduled by then, I was to contact a telephone number. So, three weeks passed and I’d heard nothing so I dialled the number and was informed by some person (who I believe was just an administrator) that they were still in the process of scheduling last December’s referrals. Effectively, I was told, “you’ve got no chance mate, except to be patient!”. I was a little taken aback!
Shortly afterwards, I made the executive decision to stump up the cost of a private consultation, just to gain peace of mind and determine precisely what my condition was, and so It was on the 8th of May this year that I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease, and a recommendation was made for me to be prescribed Sinemet, slowly graduating up to 125mgs 3 times daily. I’ve since been dutifully taking them.
Fast forward to the 6th of July, when, still having heard nothing, feeling insecure and abandoned, I requested my GP to expedite the NHS appointment process, which she duly did, and to what I thought was great effect, as I was then scheduled to attend a clinic on the 8th of August. Alas, a few days later this was cancelled, and after yet again contacting an appointments administrator, was told I wasn’t going to get an appointment anytime soon!
To cut a sad story short, I’m taking 6 tablets (Sinemet) a day, and not feeling any benefit whatsoever. I’ve no relief from my right-sided tremor, and I’ve begun to feel stiffness too. What am I supposed to do? I can’t get past the wall of non-medics in order get advice and possibly a different prescription. The experts appear to be unassailable.
Vive le NHS! (that’s sarcasm in case you didn’t know)