Finding it so difficult to turn in bed

Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone knows a solution to my current problem. I was diagnosed with PD in 2021 and am taking Madopar four times daily to treat the symptoms.My biggest and most annoying problem at the moment is trying to get a good night’s sleep. I find it so difficult turning in bed to get comfortable. My left leg seems to go limp and both feet become quite numb. The result is me twisting and turning all night. And I experience terrible stiffness. In the mornings as well. Any suggestions to remedy the situation would be most welcome. Thank you.

Some use slippery satin sheets to help?

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Hi Boomerang … Sounds like you might have neuropathy as I do. Treated well by Amitriptyline. The Parkinson’s medication causes REM sleep disorders. Treated by Clonazepam. Obviously need a proscription for these. I take both & they help. See your GP or PN.

Best wishes

Thanks for your prompt reply and helpful advice.

Thanks for reply, will certainly give it a go.

Hi Boomerang.

I sympathise with you and your problem. I was diagnosed with PD in 2010, had DBS in 2015: which stopped the tremor in my right hand. However, the feeling of not been able to relax my legs can be very painful and it’s really difficult to explain to people what I’m experiencing. It’s like the muscles in my buttocks, my legs and my feet are tightening to the point when I can’t put my feet on the ground. All you want to do at the end of the day is sleep, but you can’t relax. All I can suggest is painkillers, . I take Amitriptyline, Tramadol and Diclofenac.

Good luck

Hi Boomerang83. My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2017. 18 months ago his neurologist added a modified release dose of co-careldopa to his regime to cover the night-time. He takes it before bed and it lasts well until his usual morning dose at 7.30am. May be worth discussing options with your neurologist or PD nurse if you have one - we don’t!

Hi Boomerang83, I was diagnosed 6 yrs ago and on the same medication and dosage as you. Yes I struggle to turn in bed and sometimes the duvet seems to weigh so much that it’s pressing down on me.
I think it’s best not to look at taking more medication but to try and find a way round the issue yourself. I now take a deep breath and don’t let the feeling panick me. After all what does it matter if it takes a few minutes. Work through the turning over motion little by little, limb by limb and slowly you will get there, the feeling of success when you achieve turning over far outweighs the time and energy used. Good luck

My husband takes slow release sinemet too before bed. It helps a lot otherwise you would be without medication for a long time.

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Silk Pyjamas would help a lot. Not real silk since it is too expensive. Satin polyester will do.

Hi i had the same problem and had the slow realease which work fine but the best thing i done was to buy a wool quilt from madeupland ,and its brillant .

Thanks for reply

Did your doctor prescribe tramadol? Someone told me it is almost impossible to get

Hi Boomerang Yes my GP prescribed them for me with no problem at all.