
I never ever thought as a 23 year young gun that I would ever be worrying this time of year about my taters chitting and the ground for them not yet prepared. I never thought in days of yore that I would ever become an old geezer working an allotment one day. I am grateful for it though. I don’t keep up with the noise and pace of the rotavator fraternity but I do enjoy the times of peace quiet and exercise once that lot have departed the plot. Trouble is… this will be my last year in touch with the earth. After seven years of knowing I have PD my action man capability is about to go bust. I am absolutely sure that digging and weeding has kept me going longer than I would have.
What should I do next year? I’ve Been through the family history, water colour painting and memoir writing phases of life and I dread the idea of being stuck in front of a telly.