Generic Co- Careldopa (Teva)? Information/ advice needed

I’ve been taking Sinimet Plus for a while now and it’s been working pretty well but at my last prescription, just before Xmas, I was changed over to Teva Co-Careldopa tablets and my symptom control has gone through the floor. My foot dystonia is now controlling me and I’m only getting a very short period of relief from my tremor following each dose of medication. I’m going to try talking to my doctor as soon as I can get an appointment but he’s going to tell me that the generic tablets are the same however it really doesn’t feel that way! I currently cannot drive because of foot and neck dystonia, I’m wary of walking for any distance and for the last 2-days I have taken extra Ropinirole just to get through the day but this is making night-time absolutely unmanageable. I was functioning pretty well previously. Could the change in tablets be making such a difference? I’m desperate for any advice or information anybody can offer. J

Morning Jackson
Sorry to hear your med not working well
Why not give parkinsons uk a call thay. Will be able to help you I have only rang them once before but thay did help me
eny way nice to no am not the only one up at this time

I know! 6 a.m. seems very late these days :~S
Thank you for replying, I will give them a call although it would be good to know if anybody else has had a similar experience; It could just be a bit of a decline or dip. The next challenge is going to be to try to get an appointment with anybody at this time of year. Good old Parkinson’s huh :angry: Jx

I was just going to post on here to see if anyone had had the opposite experience! My husband has been taking Co-Careldopa, but at the last collection of his prescription from the chemist he was given Sinemet and he said he noticed straight away that he didn’t get the same immediate relief from his tremors and other PD symptoms. After the second (of 5 in a day) tablet failed to work he contacted and they said they had heard similar from other patients, so he phoned the doctor who immediately gave him another prescription (without needing to see him) and I insisted the chemist gave us Co-Careldopa. Solved! With the newly added Ropinirole, he’s been much improved.
Fast forward one month: Now I have the problem that the chemist can’t get Co-CD - (they say the issue is usually the other way around! - so you should be OK) - so this morning, I’ve had to go back to Dr’s for another prescription which I’ll have to tout around the chemist’s to see if anyone can fill it. We have over 100 useless Sinemet and are rapidly running out of Co-CD. Swap anyone? Lol