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My post doesn’t seem to get a reply. I haven’t had a message to say it’s been authorised and the icon is more faded than other people’s. Am I doing something wrong?

How do I post something

Hi @Gill-abd and welcome to our friendly forum.

I’m happy to help you get going. I’d start with an introduction by going to Introductions and personal stories - Parkinson's UK Forum. Choose New Topic and jump right in to tell us all about yourself.

Don’t hesitate to ask us questions. The group members and all the moderators are always happy to help.

Forum Moderation Team

No matter what category I look at I don’t seem to have the ability to start new threads.
Is there a reason for this? Because currently if I want to initiate a conversation about something I feel a desire to comment on - eg the fact that Parkinsons does not qualify for free prescriptions - I have to search for an existing thread to respond to and this can result in me having to revive dead threads. When and where do I get the ability to initiate new topics?