Get It On Time

We know that people with Parkinson’s need their medication on time every time, but that’s not always happening in hospitals.

The consequences of not getting medication on time can be devastating and this year we’re campaigning to push the NHS to take action. We’re relaunching our Get It On Time and we need your help!

To bring the campaign to life we’re looking for personal stories we can share with the media. If you’ve had a personal experience where a hospital has failed to give you your medication on time - do let us know.

You can contact the Policy and Campaigns team to find out more and share your story by emailing [email protected]

I have sent you an email as requested.

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After a hospital stay
Jumping for joy I’m going home today
It is as frightening as hell
Not to be able to ring the bell
To get attention
For too many things to mention
They do not understand
How frightening it is to be me
Not able to move a muscle, to be free.

“You managed it yesterday, you can do it today”
Are the words we dread to hear
As every minute of every day
Not one part of me works in the same way.

To get my medication on time is vital
This they cannot see
Perhaps they should try being me.
“Medication on time every time”

Hi @farhills, :wave:

Welcome back to the forum and I’m glad to hear that you are now back at home.

Great poem and I’m sure many others can relate to it on the forum. Please don’t be a stranger and know that we are here to support you in any way we can.:slightly_smiling_face:

Best wishes,


This post is over two years old and the problem existed when I was diagnosed 17 years ago . Campaign after campaign and we’re still getting s not getting it on time and if we don’t do something more dramatic we never will. . Doctors and nurses are subject to regulation and if they cause suffering by not giving patients medications on time then they should be reported to those regulatory bodies, doctors and nurses are subject to regulation for a purpose The issue of getting a medications on time should not be a problem and if they don’t comply then they should be reported…Soap bags sticky labels laminated clocks your joking. You’ve got more chance of getting a Blue Peter badge.People are suffering really suffering and we have To stop it.

Hi @purps-slurps
I agree with you the problem is still existing. I would say there is a factor of lack of knowledge. I have been to minor injuries unit and the nurse practitioner couldn’t pronounce the names of my Parkinson’s medications and he said he never heard those names before.
I am a nurse , I must admit I learned a lot after I have been diagnosed with PD. In my hospital I have started training for nurses and hcas … Parkinson’s Medications Get It On Time every time.
During the discussions I understood some of the medications are not familiar for nurses and unaware about the consequences of delayed administration. I received good feed back from my collaegues.
Hope things will get better soon…