Gettin driving licence back after totting up ban

Hi everyone hope you can help, here is all what happened:

I have been disqualificated from driving for totting up ban over 1 year ago , in the mean time i moved outside the uk and not sure how i can get my liecence back . I still have my brother living in uk at the same adress i use to live but my licence not been sent back and it`s pass 6 months since the ban pass. I wanted to ask my brother to fill in a D1 form from post office and send that to DVLA but not sure what documents to I have to send along with the form. Is anyone cand advice or help . No d27 form was sent to my privios adress either

Hello alexkasu … This is the Parkinson’s UK web page for people with the Parkinson’s disease or their family & friends. I don’t think many of us have any expertise in UK driving bans for foreign Nationals.

I suggest you write to the DVLA with any questions you might have.

Best of luck.

Navigating the process of getting your license back after a totting up ban can be quite a challenge, especially from outside the UK. It’s a positive step to consider filling out the D1 form and having your brother send it to DVLA on your behalf. However, it’s crucial to ensure that you include all the necessary documents along with the form.

Since you’ve moved outside the UK, getting your license back might involve some paperwork. Your idea of having your brother fill out the D1 form sounds like a good start. Along with the form, you might need to provide some identity validation service documents, like proof of your identity and maybe even your previous address in the UK. It could be worth reaching out to the DVLA directly or checking their website for specific requirements.