Glaucomer and Parkinsons medications

Hi just been diagnosed with Glaucomer and being advised to have a Laser peripheral iridotomy I have closed Angle Glaucomer, but looking on the internet it seems Parkinsons medications can make Glaucomer worse. Has anyone any experience of this? I am having difficulty using the Forum so will say Thanks for any information now. regards Sugarplum

Hi sugerplum,

Please do give us a call on 0808 800 0303, and I'm sure one of our Nurses will be able to help answer your question about how your medications might affect your glaucoma.

I hope this helps.

Take care,




 Hello there: 

i started with Glaucoma about 30 years ago and was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease about 18 years ago.  It was acute Glauacoma and both eyes were operated on very quickly one after the other

i have ended up on 39 different tablets and the ApoGo.pump and they are not working properly   I'm now waiting to be given the go ahead for dua-dopa.

I haven't had to take medicine for the Glaucoma, I only had a slight problem 18 months months ago but otherwise it hasn't affected me.

thanks for reading me
