Good news area, please?

I would love to see a dedicated forum area where we can share good things that have happened.  It is so easy to moan when something negative happens but we need to praise when positives occur as well.

For instance: we have to travel to Central London for Pd appointments.  Usually these can be arranged outside rush hour times, but on two occasions we have had to be there for 09:00.  The closest underground station is Russell Square.  There are three lifts to transport passengers from platform to ground level, but one is being renovated so the waiting time is very lengthy. My husband finds it stressful, get disorientated and can freeze.

The staff of Cockfoster's station where we commence our journey lets their counterparts at Russell Square know which train we are on.  We are met on the platform and escorted to the lifts to board from the "exit" side.  This does not draw unwelcome attention from other passengers and every employee of London Transport who has helped us has been courteous and friendly.  I have written to the staff at the relevant stations to show our appreciation for their help.

I'm sure other people have experiences they would like to share and I would like to read them in a dedicated "feel good" area.

I hope I'm not alone in this.


I have had many instances of help and support from not only my wife, but my specialist nurse and many friends. 

It is amazing how much your friends think about you, but only when things go wrong do you realise the extent of this friendship. I never presume on people, but aint it nice to know they are there if needed.

Since my licence was revoked I have so many offers of....if you need transport etc.

Recently I went into hopsital for an op. They told me I would have to have my right leg removed. When I woke up from the op, the surgeon said 'we're very sorry Orphy old chap we have taken your left leg off by mistake and you will have to undergo another op to remove the bad leg'. 

'Oh 'eck', I said.....or words to that effect, 'is there never any good news.'

'Well', said the surgeon,'in your case there is'.......I sat forward in anticipation......'the bloke in the next bed has bought your slippers'.

The old ones are the best.

On a more serious note I write to people.....seriously......and thank them for a kindness shown just like you did.

People doing ordinary jobs get bored. Imagine the boost they get when they do something like that and get a nice letter to say how much it was appreciated. It makes all thier efforts worthwhile. I know this from experience. 

It restores faith in humanity as much as anything else. The 6-0-clock news hardly does anything for us these days.

Get writing people. 

I left a message on my specialist nurses phone recently. I said, 'there is no need to reply to this, I just want to say thank you for all your hard work and support'. It was heart felt and sincere. I hope it brightened her day as much as she brightens mine when I have a problem.

It costs nowt, but the value is priceless.

If you don't believe me take a look at the Mastercard advert. It must be true if they say so.

Hi ceebs,

Thanks for your message. It seems a great idea to share good news with others on the forum. But I do wonder if we really need an entire section for this? Forum members can start a topic on a wide range of subjects...incuding good news. This would fit really well in the Daily life section of this forum.

What do you think? Is there some reason that you think just starting a topic won't do?



We have good news too.  A steep ramp down to the basement concert hall took a lot of effort not to have the chair run away with husband.  How will I manage to push him back up?  Lovely man asked if I needed help and then pushed husband all the way to the top and left after inviting us to visit again.  We felt so welcome.  We`ll definitely go again.


I think a dedicated place would be lovely.  When we`re feeling down we can go straight there for a boost.  Also a special place would remind people to send in their own good news.

Re strengthening the forum.  

Lets start at the back

lie down, arms by your side, bring feet up to buttocks, as far as is comfy, shoulder width apart, feet flat on the floor. 

Breath in, tighten tummy muscles, breathe in.

on the exhale thrust your pelvis up high as it will go and hold. This counts as a repitition

start off at 3 reps holding for 5 secs per thrust

build up to whatever or until you go red, or if your Scottish like yin, that'll be a kind of corned beef colour. 

I call this exercise "hngggggg" after the sound it illicits, if your not hngggggging your not doing it correctly

i shall give it a go. i will get mrs t to check i have reached the correct colour saturation and decibel level.

an exercise i do is lie face-up on the bed with knees over the edge and feet on the floor. lift one leg up until thigh is vertical.return foot to the floor.repeat with other leg.

second exercise from same starting position, sit up.

i find these help motility a little no responsibilty taken for back injuries, burst spleen etc 

My fridge has stopped working.  New one can`t be delivered before Friday.  No cool box.  Asked the green grocer if he had any of the polystyrene boxes used to deliver broccoli.  No that`s only in the summer.  But he could and would lend me a cool box.  It is huge and will be just the job.

What a lovely man.


We had a good news area,,it was called sugar mountain, it went off page 1, is now lost forever in the archive 

and the doom and gloom decended.   A dedicated area would allow us to have topics,,things. To discus about what gladdens our hearts 

we need the area to allow us to focus on good stuff, one topic might be the social area or the creative area for example and it won't last a few months and disappear..


cool  Hello  Dolly

                 Thats  a  really  nice  comment on  your son  ,I hope  you  are  all  well  .

                       Kindest  regards      OTANheavy(fedsbro??


Hello  all,  how  about a picture section with a  small prize  like 2  weeks  in  Sark  ??


                          only  joking  about  prize   1 week  ok


big grin

OTANHEAVY222.......Where did you find a name like that young FED!!! bless good to know you are still on the forum ...i would recognise you anywhere!cool

So what have you been up to? how are you keeping? looking forward to hearing all your news

Meanwhile keep rocking ay?

luv Dolly xx

Hello  Dolly  

               Many  things  amiss old  friend  will   contact  on this  later , can you  leave e mail  address  in  my  messages  but  on  the  mend so  onward  and upward  Dolly  glad  mr  D  is  well must  go  as beloved is  on  war path,                              

                                 Kindest  regards


I started on the extension phase of the GDNF Trial just before Xmas.  So now I know I am getting the GDNF.

Tonight I won my weekly darts match with my best friend 9 legs to 6.  This ended a losing streak of over 52 matches.  The difference tonight was my ability to stay focussed on my own throws.

Does GDNF.mean Great Darts Need Focus.

When did you steal my son, Dolly??? Feel exactly the same.   x

No, you're both talking about MY son!  It is wonderful, isn't it, to have loving family members?  Next month I am looking forward to celebrating my 70th birthday with the whole family in Hawaii.  I have a lot to be thankful for!



 i think its time there was some good news i have some but loose lips an ships and all that as i lay here at 430 am i'll just keep it too myself and smile.

Lol very intriguing sea angler. Better awake with happiness, the night easier.  Can apple blossom appearing on my tree count. I let someone prune it a couple of years ago and I thought it was destroyed. Its making me happy!


I,ve noticed more staff iin shopshops ask if I need help with packing bag at till. I don't know if training is making them aware, or just clued up shop assistants but it happens more frequently and with a pleasant manner, not a how to speed up the process to get to next person attitude. Not just supermarkets but places like boots. ☺


Sorry porthos, what you have experienced is a one off happening twjice