The research team found it helped pwp manage their meds and daily life better.
I use my mobile for reminders but it's often on mute and I miss the vibration in a jacket pocket. This got me thinking about how a smartwatch may be able to do most of these things while being less costly than Google Glass and more wearable by all. I've asked the research team who ran the trial and await a reply.
I'm using a slightly different technology to build tools that measure Parkinson's and help PwP.
Arduino microcontrollers - effectively small computers that cost just a few pounds - can be linked to sensors that detect your movements, and respond accordingly.
If you would like more information on this DIY approach, please get in touch.
John, I'm interested but probably less so if it involves wearing multiple exposed circuit boards all wired like a DIY BORG. Then again, maybe that's the look I need to go with my GDNF port.
I can't offer the DIY BORG look - though it would be awesome! Neither can I offer anything as small as a watch. But, a black box the size of a pack of cards is typical.
Let's look at two Arduino applications:
1. The 24/7 monitoring of your tremor and speed of movement. The data is provided by an accelerometer, and stored on a micro-SD card.
2. An aid for better posture. The data is supplied by a magnetometer. A beep is sounded if you're slouched forward or leaning to the side.
The components for each of these tools can be bought for about £20.
I suspect that we will soon see hundreds of apps being available, from fall warning detectors to transcranial stimulators. The issue is how can we get these available as quickly as possible, at a price that is affordable by all PwP?
How does the technology cater for lack of movement when doing an activity such as watching a film for instance?
Can active and non active events be recorded easily and can medication and eating times be shown so that any correlation between the two can be highlighted?
Similarly can changes in cognative processes be recorded eg memory testing, mood changes etc?
A diary is a useful tool but can be difficult to maintain due to apathy.
Would a voice recorder and a scale of movement, mood and diet used in conjunction with movement sensors make it easier to report changes?
Comparing different outcomes and lifestyles could reveal how the succesful patients manage their PD.
Leyther asks how does the technology cater for a lack of movement when you are, for instance, watching a film? You make all sorts of small movements, such as small changes of balance that you're barely aware of, all the time. PwP maker fewer of these. So, most of the time more movement is better, but tremor is a confounding factor. To reduce the effect of this, you can place sensors on less affected areas or filter them out. (PD tremors usually have a clear signature of between 4 and 6hz.)
Leyther goes on to ask how can this data be correlated with food eaten and medication taken? At present, I need to record this data manually. His idea of semi-automating this process by using a voice recorder is a good one.
It seems the Intel Basis watch/monitor has been chosen for a study into this very subject. I wonder whether there will be any UK based studies of this or similar tech.