
Hi all, my name is Richard and I’m 60 years young. Just over 2 years ago I was placed into the Parkinson’s plus holding area by my neurologist. Current thinking is I’ve got early stage MSA or CBD. All these illness end up in the same place so it’s only a name really.

Life goes on reasonably normally for now. A few changes are taking place and certain situations are becoming harder and harder.

Look forwards to learning and sharing on this forum along with keeping positive and focussed for a good while yet.



great attitude Richard and agree diagnosis a name only, the experience a personal one you have the resources you always had to deal with. I’m around same age, just diagnosed and finding face to face support with others diagnosed really helpful and unique source of information and support, hope you find the same, Mark

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Hi Stobbs51/Richard,
Welcome to the group, great to have you here with us.
Basically, as the moderators will tell, although this is a serious site that tries to help us with help and advice from others in similar situations, it also is a site where we can chat, shout, laugh, commiserate and, as the kids say wha’eva.
It does help to speak to others that are going through the same path as we are.

re: ‘60 years young’ see if you can find the skit Joan Rivers did on age, she is really hilarious.