My mum is now in her 70s but was diagnosed with Parkinson 15 years ago. She has lived with it for the last through years with visiting carers as she lives on her own. I support where I can with organising food shops etc.
More recently mum has started having hallucinations and she is going down hill very quickly. Are these related to her Rotigotine patches? In December she increased them from 6mg to 8mg, her sweats started to get worse when the tablets wore off and then these awful hallucinations started and I don’t know how I can help her. She wants to stop wearing them immediately. The Parkinson’s nurse has agreed via email for her to reduce them again but no one has been to see her or spoken to her on the phone.
Would love some help and advice as I’m trying my best but I dont know what I can do
Hi hannah, its very possible that your mums hallucinations are related to the increase in her medication. My hwp has had quite a few reactions like this when his doses were increased just slightly. It can be very frightening when this happens and the need for input from your pd nurse is very important as gps tend to have limited knowledge about the parkinsons medications. Many medical problems can cause hallucinations and gp can rule out other things, but if you have parkinsons and a recent medication change has occurred, its wise to contact your specialist like you have done. Hopefully by reducing back to previous dose the hallucinations will lessen. If not, recontact your nurse for more advice.
Thank you Jandc We’ve had another rough night, the Parkinsons specialist is not keen to call in and review her until she’s had other issues ruled out and the GP has tried to refer to the hospital only to be told she would need to go through A&E. Shes at the point of distressed that she’s refusing to wear her patches, which I know is problematic and I can’t get her to the hospital without a battle. I so wanted to avoid A&E.
As a “h.w.p.” i too felt a little overwhelmed by the new technology available on this site, and navigating my way around it was initially confusing… (here goes).