Hi All
Neil, I’m seventy years old and live in sheltered housing. I also have poor eyesight and a learning disability. I reckon I have had Parkinson’s for thirteen years. It was my then neighbor in 2013 who commented on my shaking hand. It was not that I hadn’t noticed it myself but I dismissed it as a harmless tic. Though, I think it all started three years earlier when I started being afflicted by cramp in my left foot. Now the disease manifests itself as shaking, shuffling and overwhelming weakness.
I take Ropinirole 2mg and 4mg tablets as well as 25/100 mg co-careldopa tablets and finally a 1mg tablet of Rasagiline. I find that the co- careldopa takes anything from half an hour to three hours to kick in and keeps the symptoms at bay for anything from one to three hours , depending on how active I am. If I walked ten times round my block - about a mile - it would be used up in twenty minutes but if I was just lazing round the house it could last four hours.
I struggle with constipation, too. Whether this is caused by the disease itself or the drugs taken to control it hasn’t I believe been conclusively established.
Well that’s it. Look forward to hearing from anyone who feels so inclined.