Hello, another newbie

Hello All,

I have just joined today so thought I would say hello and introduce myself.
I am Jim, a 51 y/o man and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s back in March last year.

Overall I feel like I am coping ok but then have some really low moments and get frustrated with myself for not doing as well as I can.

I have struggled with depression for as long as I can remember which doesn’t help but have my mechanisms for coping with it.

I get so frustrated with the added difficulty of doing simple things. I was in a restaurant last night and found myself struggling cutting through some lamb chops.
Not the biggest of deals in the grander scheme of things but frustrating nonetheless.
I guess it is all about adapting to certain things.

I am on the co-careldopa four times a day at the moment but may move to 5 times when I have my next appt in April.

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Hello Jim

I’m newly diagnosed and also 51. I’m finding my way slowly but surely along this new path I’ve found myself on, but it’s not as dark and alone as I thought it would be. I’m so very grateful for this group who are here to help along the way. I hope you find this forum to be a help with guidance and comfort in the time ahead of you



Hi Jim , sorry to here of youre diagnosis. Im 56 was diagnosed last year but still in denial :rofl:currently on nothing, trying to fight it naturally. Try stay positive best you can pal. Dont let it win :+1:

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Hi Hannah,
Thank-you, it’s certainly a positive to interact with people that understand.

Thanks very much Dazman. Sorry to hear of yours too.
The positive side will win eventually!

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HI Jim A big welcome to our forum. On the forum you are able to let of steam.,./ rant and rave as much as you like. Take advice/give advice I was told 14 years ago that I had "“Parkie” it is a slow moving condition, I have had no problems till end of 2024 now my “Parkie” is showing me who is boss, What I am trying to say Take each day (HOUR) as it comes, Enjoy your day. If you need to see/ask someone don’t for get your PD nurse “Parkinson’s” UK;

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Hi Mary, Thanks so much for that. Much appreciated.
Sorry to hear you’re having an increasing challenge.
Certainly great advice. I certainly try to enjoy the good days.
Not letting the bad ones bother me so much is something I am working on!!

I am the same going to my first group meeting next week where i will be asking the length of time to delay medication i have heard so many horror stories about Madopar i am yet to be convinced.

Hello Garthgirl,

Welcome to our community forum. We’re glad to hear you’ll be attending your first group meeting. And you can obviously ask those questions here, of the community, who will weigh in as they have the time, but you can also reach out to our free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303 to speak with one of our friendly advisors. The advisory team can also help with a range of services, from paperwork to finding support in your area. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them as you like. Also, you can use the search function in the top right corner of the page to find archived forum discussions by topic.

We hope these tools can be of some use, and with our warmest welcome,

Forum Moderator

Hello Jim and others posted in thread. If any of you are interested in joining a zoom link check out post in the forum YOPD meet up. The first Thursday of the month


I was diagnosed 17 years ago and was put in Stalevo immediately by my Neuro at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. He told me that there was nothing to be gained by waiting



Welcome Jim