I am new to the forum, 70 years old happily married man, having been diagnosed with PD by my consultant as of 6th June.
I have been having various medical problems for the last three and half years, ie tiredness and lethargy, change of gait and speech, tremor etc. Throughout this time and during the pandemic I had various consultations (usually by telephone) with my GP surgery, and received different diagnosis’s by the different doctors I saw. I have gone through numerous tests, and scans resulting in a MRI scan in November 22. This resulted in a diagnosis of renal cancer and required the removal of a kidney and malignant tumour over Christmas 22. Eight weeks later another change in diagnosis the tumour is benign, and no cancer, but still await results of a further lung scan. In the mean time a consultation with a neurologist and unexpectedly a PD diagnosis. I am awaiting a further MRI and a Datscan. I have been prescribed an increasing dose of Co-careldopa (sinemet plus).
I am fortunately supported in my journey by my lovely wife, and will be browsing the forum and web site to increase our knowledge. Thank you