Help with house modifications

For general information following Sharon 87’s post

Generally speaking the role of an occupational therapist when it comes to home modification is to make recommendations on what is needed in any particular situation. Those recommendations have to meet various criteria set out in legislation and it is not the OT who will have the final word. That falls to the local council if a tenant or whoever administers the disabled facilities grant if a home owner, private renting etc. In reality the recommendations are usually accepted but quite heated debate can happen if the council or grant administrators think there is a cheaper solution especially near the end of the financial year when money gets tight. If this happens to you don’t lose heart. An OT assessment should demonstrate why those recommendations were made and why a possible cheaper alternative is not suited in this particular circumstance. It may delay a decision but it is usually agreed in the end. I think it is important to know however that the final decision is not made by the OT. It is also worth noting that towards the end of the financial year when money is tight some jobs may be held over until the start of the new financial year which will of course mean some delay.