Hi, new here

Hi Everyone, new to this forum, since 2017 I started to get an involuntary movement in my neck where my head would move to the left. It only happened occasionally, the movements started off slow but I do also get jerk like movements too. I now get these movements everyday. I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia but recently had some autonomic tests to rule out atypical parkinsonian syndrome. I do get painful cramps in my feet and hands too. I have a B12 deficiency and been told I have brisk reflexes. I will be visiting my Neurologist to discuss my results. It seems I also have low blood pressure. Just wanted to get some advice, do you think I need to request any further tests. I had an MRI back in 2017 which was normal. Is it worth requesting another MRI or even a Datscan?

Hi and welcome to our forum, @Mitch. The members here are very friendly and supportive and are sure to be along to say hello soon.

It’s good to hear that you’re seeing your neurologist for some answers. Will this be soon? It’s a great idea to find out as much as you can before your visit and have your questions ready. We have a great guide for preparing for your appointment here: Questions to ask your specialist or Parkinson's nurse | Parkinson's UK. It’s OK to not know all your options. This is all new to you. Your neurologist will know what tests are important and whether any you’ve already had need to be repeated and hopefully some of the members here will jump in with what they have experienced at this stage and what was helpful for them.

If you have any concerns that you’d like advice on, please ring our helpline on 0808 800 0303, Our advisers are there for you.

I do hope things are much clearer for you very soon,
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