High Blood Pressure

I’ve had mildly elevated high blood pressure for many years. This last year it’s become very high, 170/110 region, despite being on 2 types of BP medication. I always thought Parkinson’s caused low blood pressure. Does anyone else have this, how do you control it?

Hello jonjoe … I have atypical Parkinson’s. I take Ramipril. I also try & eat healthily.
I also don’t drink alcohol or smoke. My BP reading is mostly around 140/90. I also take Amitriptyline for Neuropathy that does reduce BP.

Best of luck.

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Hi JonJoe,

170/110 is incredibly high, and could lead to a stroke.
You must have to seen to urgently.
Only a doc can give you advice on this

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Stress can cause high blood pressure and stress remedies may help.
Is their a reason your body is producing high BP ? Ask doc for tests
. I have reduced my BP with exercise and breathing techniques. There are some interesting videos on YouTube on this subject . Try and calm yourself.

It’s not uncommon for people with Parkinson’s to have high blood pressure, even though low blood pressure is more typical. Make sure to discuss this with your doctor. They may adjust your medication or suggest lifestyle changes to help control it.

Yes, Parkinson’s can indeed affect blood pressure in various ways, including causing fluctuations, but each case is different, so it’s crucial to collaborate closely with your doctor to tailor your medication regimen. Considering health insurance for people with cardiovascular history can provide peace of mind for ongoing care and specialist consultations.