
My husband and I need a change of scenery but have very little confidence these days. He has PD, for past 4 years, and is very well . We cope with most problems but the holiday thing seems to be a real problem to us, I don’t drive except locally so we must use public transport if we go far, we also prefer self catering which is expensive for two. So we would have to take luggage and if it is a bad day for my husband then I would have to manage it all and I have bad knee which causes difficulty with walking. What I really want to know is would it be worth it? We are happy with our life even though we don’t go far but do feel we should be doing more before things get worse. Any advice? Thanks

Hi Modain! A warm welcome to the forum :grinning:

I’m sure that others will chip in with any advice for you, but I just wanted to bring to your attention this page on our website that has some practical/logistical guidance with regards to holidays.

Please do also lean on our helpline (contact info here) if you wanted to have a chat about things.

Best wishes
Tom A, Moderation Team

Dear Modian
The fact that you are asking the question - shows that you know you should go on holiday, see something different, do something different before you can’t any more.
I don’t know much, but i would suggest you look at some other charity websites which may provide more practical support in handling day to day stuff, help people go on holiday, etc… or e.g go on a group excusrsion e.g a coach holiday - my mum enjoyed these and there was always someone willing to help her with the luggage, a tour guide for advice (where is the nearest chemist or nice tea shop), help (arranging a ground floor hotel room) and to take charge/care of you
Good luck - go for it

You could perhaps buy a trunk, fill it with your holiday essentials, then send it by courier to the holiday location and confirm its arrival before you set off.

Good luck.

Hi Modian,
Definitely self catering: no prying eyes at a restaurant and you can eat when you need to, without waiting for a meal to take ages to arrive just when you need to eat with medication (if that’s the case). Go somewhere you can always come home easily from if you both agree it is too much to deal with. Choose somewhere uncomplicated: we stay in chalets or apartments where the grounds are nice so if it’s too difficult to go out, it’s nice on your doorstep. Write a list of stuff you’ll need, especially meds, and cross it off as you pack, and don;t take more than you’ll need in terms of clothes. Maybe travel with someone else who understands the situation, or swap houses with a friend – though both may not be possible, I know. Try not to worry about it; if it turns out to be a bit difficult, well, it’s only for a few days, and I would suggest a short break first as a trial run.
Only you can decide whether it will be worth it, but clearly you feel you should try. Have a lovely time if you do.

Have you thought about a week at the European Parkinsons Therapy Centre in Boario terme Italy. .My wife and I went 3 years ago and it was life changing.
I had one to one Neuroplasticity exercises every day and whilst my PD symptoms are mild I came away so positive and revitalised.
There were talks on many subjects and my wife was able to join in on them.
The hotel we stayed in was full board family run and really lovely we had a room with a huge balcony overlooking the mountains.The afternoons were free and we went on a train rides and crossed on a boat to a beautiful island nearby.To see and meet other people with PD improve so much in just a week was humbling.
You can get cheap flights to Bergamo and you can be picked up at the airport for a small charge. You don’t need a car as public transport ( especially the train) is not expensive.
You dont need loads of luggage( we just took hand luggage.)
It is a big step but one I know you wouldboth come back from feeling stronger and dealing with PD with a very different mind set.
We will definitely go again if/when my PD starts getting worse .
Regards Baz hester

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just want to thank everyone who replied with suggestions. All have been very helpful and thought provoking just got decide where and when now!

Another option might be a cruise, if from Southampton, your luggage magically disappears and arrives in your cabin, from the coach. You can choose whether to get off or not at each location, depending on how you’re both feeling. Some restaurants have waiter service, or you may be ok to help your hubby with the buffet. There are rails all around the ship to assist walking and lifts everywhere. And always someone with worse mobility issues than you!

Hello Modian.

Sorry late to the party as I’ve only just seen this but I would say go for it. You sound in a very similar position to us and things that work for us are:-

*If travelling by train in the UK, go first class if you can as more space and drinks etc served at your seat, plus easier to get help from onboard staff (we buy cheap first class advance tickets, excellent value on the east coast line).

*Only take as much luggage/cases/bags as you know you will be able to manage yourself if anything happens and your husband can’t manage his own. We invested in a couple of small lightweight cases (wheeled) that have been perfect. I prefer to deal with two lighter cases rather than one larger, heavier one and most people tend to pack too much anyway. Not sure about your husband but my husband has a tendency to forget/mislay things so I do a “bag check” and count how many bags etc. he has about his person at intervals along the way & try to keep them to a minimum - e.g. camera bag inside a rucksack rather than separate item.

*What about a group tour? Let someone else worry about organisation and transport so you can relax and enjoy the break. We’ve done several very successfully, and have another planned for the autumn. We choose those that are based in one place, or at most two, to avoid having to pack up and move every one or two days which can be exhausting. It also means you don’t have to join trips every day if either of you doesn’t feel up to it. Fellow travellers are usually very helpful.

Hope you find somewhere nice to go!

I also went to Bergamo for the European Parkinson’s Therapy centre in Italy. It was invigorating and stimulating. The staff could not have been more helpful and encouraging. I have continued the exercises since I got back and feel so much better. It was a holiday as well as therapy. I will go back in 2020.