*HullVictim warning

Me again I'm afraid.

Articles about my case appear in today's Daily Telegraph and Hull Daily Mail.

The latter paper has a facility for readers to add their own comments, and as expected the moronic underclass which has nothing better to do has already started to be abusive.

If anyone feels like adding POSITIVE comments to that facility that might be useful to the cause.

The HDM readers have also been made aware of this forum, so keep your eyes peeled for bogus new members.

Thanks for your support everyone, I really mean it.


The Hull Daily Mail has 16 reader comments so far.
13 of them (81%) are abusive. 3 of them (19%) are nice.
Says a lot for the mental state of this country...!

Doesn't it just! I've added my two penn'orth for what it's worth!

Thanks, Moody.

Hull is at the top of the illiteracy / lack of qualifications / truancy tables. You wouldn't guess it from these comments, would you?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The postings made me feel sick.It just shows how thin the veneer of civilisation is.I put in my two pennyworth because people like this need standing up to.............ignorant
I have just left my comment. If they attack you, HV, they attack me.

Pearls among swine. I had to smile at the "shaggersaurus" line but then I'm one of the "in crowd" unfortunately.
Thanks, Doug
alright hv dont let the doughnuts get you down theve only got two brains cells One to keep the other one company hold your head up high hv sod em:laughing:
Cheers jd :grin: :sunglasses: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:
It is the Daily Telegraph after all - not exactly known for their liberal views now, are they!
Have added my twopenneth to article, Hull Daily, for what it's worth
All the best
Thanks, Carrot
Try working for Hull City Council, we get that sort of treatment from the Delly Mell every day! They haven't printed a fair or impartial story for many years, and the response to your story reflects their target audience. All the decent people stopped reading that rag a long time ago.
I made a post too in support of HV. Wonder what happened?
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so wot happins when puk wont u to go to confrencices etc cus now ur ambasserter of puk ,to do talks,u need to go out then ,u need to leave ur bed behind,or are you goin to do it from ur bed,im abit confused .HOW?
this site is beginning to resemble a cross between the matrix and coronation street.
entertaining in its own weird way.
so wot happins when puk wont u to go to confrencices etc cus now ur ambasserter of puk ,to do talks,u need to go out then ,u need to leave ur bed behind,or are you goin to do it from ur bed,im abit confused .HOW?

Probaly the same way he was going to go to London for the concert Ali :wink: