I fight back

Hi everyone
I worked in a car factory five years ago.ive worked from home since.im managing most of the pains I get everywhere every day,cramps,aches,stabbing pains,funny muscles spasms etc,etc,but it's the headache from the bells palsey that I've had since. April that's the problem and that started with an ear infection.sorry got nothing. To do with the environment.
apparently using capitals is shouting STOP KIDDING YOURSELVES you environment has everything to do with it e-mail me and I will sent whoever is interested links to the information (that's a mistake voice in the head to gordon over over your not receiving ) please do something
We could all start in the car.BAN MAGIC TREES Even typing the words brings me anaphylactic shock on...............Still, the wasps are dieing off, so thats one less poison in the country.
big journeys start 1 step at a time .let us narrow it down pick 1 product toothpaste .it is soap that makes bubbles in toothpaste check it out read the ingredients in a typical toothpaste
I have enough trouble at the dentist as it is without ceasing to use toothpaste.
there are alternative
Hi Gordon your right about the environment causing pd .in my case it was a 100 foot armoured cable travelling at 40 mph and hitting the side of my head.
Ouch !

That's awful John.

Then to get lumbered with PD as well,not fair.

Still, look on the bright side, you could change your toothpaste, make it all go away !!!

or you could sit smugly and not do anything.There are reasons behind everything cause and effect we may not know what they are but we have good reasons to find out simple one step at a time things.Why have so many kids got asthma and allergies? when I was growing up nobody had, an over weight kid was almost unheard of, and wasn't that big of a problem compared to todays problems.I am not scare mongering when you are told you have pd you feel that you have lost control of your life this is a way of taking it back you are managing pd or it is managing you! you decide!
Hi Gordon I was going to email you but it doesn't seem available. I am interested in the links you mention. When I was given my diagnosis the doctor mentioned pesticides as a possible cause. I have decided to have my amalgam fillings removed because of he mercury content, my dentist is sceptical but has said in my position he would do the same.
Hi V.how many fillings have you got? and how old are they? I replaced my own when they needed replacing. Think more of what you are using how you can replace them with out panicking find alternatives .don't expose yourself to chemicals air freshener loo freshener heavy perfumed products keep it simple there is no need for the extras.
Hi Gordon, I have 9 fillings which were done in the 50/60s mainly. How did you do yours?! Did you notice any difference?
Best wishes
Gordon. I agree with all your concerns. However, I lived most of my life eating organic wholefoods, avoiding chemicals, making do with simple cleaning products and remedies etc. I researched all these things for years and acted on any clear evidence......... and then idiopathic PD struck. I do think that maybe I would have probably got it earlier if I had lived differently, and my PD is progressing quite slowly too.
One thing that could have caused it was that I worked as a technician in an agricultural research laboratory. They were testing chemicals for "improving" agriculture in the third world. I think there have often been links between PD and chemicals.
Hello B. Well yes you have just answered your own concerns there as you were working in a highly toxic environment, and did you know organic foods have to be sprayed before they come into the uk.