
Don’t think so!

Poor old Keith! I’ll drop him a text. Lesley said he needs to see her professor (she suffers with high BP, sees this bloke at St Thomas’s in London)

Hi Roy
Kieth said as much as he hates hospitals he knows that’s where he needs to be and it was his choice

Hi Tommy, babs, Keith, Mrs T, Roy and Lesley sorry not been in touch today mam and me had 6 months mot then done shopping and had food the rest of the day I have been trying to stop male guppy from stripping Seale t off the tank can’t believe out of about 100 males in tank I get one with a rubber fettish how is Keith? Looks like every one else seems to be OK
Pete and mam

Morning Peter and Mam, Kieth, Babswood, Mrs t and Roy
Kieth hope you’re feeling ready to go home.
Peter I know how you feel I’ve got a kinky spaniel who loves to go to the vet to have his backside squeezed like some kind of horrible plook ha ha
At £30 a time he’s costing me a fortune still he’s like a youngster when he comes out after only two minutes a bit like me at the Thai massage shop ( joking Soo would poison me )
Funny story though my phone told me in a notification that I’d left my car outside the massage parlour and it’s been there for months .
Two problems with that .
It a no parking zone and I don’t have a car .
Technology eh?
Have a good day everyone
Regards to my favourite girl
Dirty Tommy :pill:

Morning Tommy, babs, Keith, Mrs T, Roy and Lesley hope you are all well will text Keith little bit later on me and Mr guppy have been at war whatsit will hit fan later as introducing another male and two female guppies going to try and find bigger male on a positive note my shoulder is better if you hear from Keith tell him I, will be in touch with him soon take careall
Pete and mam

Morning Peter glad to her your shoulder that bit better. Regards to Mam. A right dreich day here.
Going to. Pick up a drum for my 3 year old granddaughters Xmas. Don’t know that my son and daughter n law will be too happy with it. At present she bangs on pots with a wooden spoon…

Your fish tank sounds amazing. X x x

Tommy. How are you today.? Well I hope. That’s a shame about Keith eh.

How is Suzanne doing. Phil is looking forward to the summer to get back into his golf. As this year he has not played at all because of me. I feel rotten about that as he used to be so good at golf.
Well ma cronie will speak later I’m away to text Keith. X x x

Morning all.

Got an Asda delivery this morning then seeing the pd nurse this afternoon,

Hi babs I have just been told that I was quite good on pots and pans with a spoon I may be practicing later on randy the male guppy there is no way I, m losing to a fish he is about to find out how stubborn I am hope you and Phil are well and mam sends her regards as I post this randy is flicking his tail and jumping in the water (mental) speak later

Hi babswood
I’m doing ok I think but Sue is up to high doe because she’s got the dentist but even more worrying for her is the 20 page form from the dwp which freaks her mental health out every time .
And I’m still mad about Sainsbury’s no answer to our letter as it’s taken me ages to build up her confidence just for one little promotion seeking tit to pull the rug from under her. I’m sure he thinks I’m some kind of addict because I shake uncontrollably
She is still not over her first marriage yet after years of being called stupid and useless until she actually believed it and I thought I was succeeding until this nonsense
Isn’t it strange the little things that can put someone back to feeling unworthy? I’ve spent 20 years walking on eggshells being so careful what I say and never using certain key words as I’ve always endeavoured to restore her confidence.
Tommy :pill:

Hi Roy hope you get on okay with P D Nurse…

Is that all your visitors away now?

Will speak later once you are back.


Hello Babs. Yes, our american mma fighter has flown back to Michigan (really nice quietly spoken reserved chap actually) & my cousin & his missus ended up only stopping Saturday night but we had a nice takeaway & I made them a blow out breakfast on Sunday morning. They went back to Scotland (Livingston) on Monday.

Not really got much to talk to the nurse about, last time I told her what neurologist had said to get her take on it, may just do that again lol

Hi babswood
I’m beginning to regret my last post as I think I’ve revealed tmi
without permission and if she sees it it might do more harm than good.
Tommy X :pill:

Hi Tommy I text Keith this morning and not heard from him do you have any news on him? I, ve now got 6 guppies so far they are all still alive Randy’s been miffed all afternoon we both hope sue will be OK regards
Pete and your fav girl

Hi Peter and Mam
I texted Kieth and he replied some hours later as he was downstairs being wired up .
He’s back on the ward now and his blood pressure is low enough for him to be sent home tomorrow .
He’s famished but his son is bringing him some KFC and he’s hoping to be unhooked tonight so that he can take a little walk.
Tommy :pill: X P .S hope you’re gadoid guppy calms down.

Love to Keith.
Am in the middle of row with bro.

Disc no2
Wish you were here
Pink Floyd

OK thanks Tommy my mad guppy forced me to build 2 forests to keep him away from Seale t the 3 I got today got between him and terrorised femalethink he must be an Everton fan lol

Hi Mrs t
I was going to have a pink Floyd record .
In fact I still will
Comfortably numb
That’s my 5th one
Tommy X :pill:

Hi ma Cronie

Just forget about last post and move on as no one has said anything.
Least said soonest mended.
Babs x x x

Well my first song would be True Colours by Phil Collins followed by Chain Reaction Diana Ross.