Internal cold feeling

Anyone else get this, it starts in the middle of my back. I get a hot water bottle which helps before it spreads.

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Hi Sewnya,
Welcome to the group.
Personally I have not experienced it, but perhaps someone else has.

Hello Sewnya. I get something similar but not the same. I tend to experience a shiver that starts deep inside the centre of my chest and spreads outwards. Even on hot days in summer I can get this. It soon passes and is gone until the next time. All the best to you.

Hi Sewnya,
I haven’t experienced that, but I’m sure there is someone on the site who could perhaps help.

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Until I started medications I wore 4 jumpers because I was so cold, winter and summer. Granted I’d lost 9kg in weight along the way. However my internal thermostat has reset with the meds. Not quite the same but similar I think. Strange illness PArkinsons

Way, way past strange, heading into the realm of “really weird”.
As virtually everyone experiences different symptoms, the basics are all the same, (like a car it has four wheels, an engine, brakes etc,) but it ends there, all the varying minutiae, then take over, I presume simply to annoy us and make our lives miserable. :upside_down_face: