Introduce myself

Hi, My name is Bobby Walsh, I am 84 years old. I was diagnosed withj Parkionsns 5 weeks ago. I had decided I had it before I was able to get an appt. I had been unsteady at times for the last 2 years. I was having a small problem with my walking, dragging my feet a little and only had a very slight tremor in my left hand. The neurologist put me on the cl 25/100 and it has helped. My bp dropped when I started the meds and I fell on my first exercise walk I guess I fainted. Since then I have been doing fine except the tremor in my hand has gotten worse. I think the cl has caused it to get worse because it was hardly noticeable before I started the cl. That’s about it. I’m expecting to die from old age before my parkinsons gets real bad but who knows.

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Hello Bobby,

Welcome to our community forum. You’re soon to meet our lovely group members, but in the meantime we just wanted to make sure you’re aware of the resources provided here.

We have a website containing loads of helpful information, from research news to ways to contribute to archived forum discussions, at Added to this, we have a free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303 staffed with advisors who can help with everything from medication questions to community resources. Numerous community members have received vital assistance from them, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

With our best wishes and warmest welcome,

Forum Moderator

Hi Bobby,

Welcome to the Forum. To me it seems that your meds aren’t right for you, what you need to do is to speak to your Neurologists Secretary & explain what is happening. I take Madopar which doesn’t agree with everybody but it works for me. It may help your cause if you speak to a Parkinson’s Nurse, your GP Surgery should be able to put you in touch with them. These are very good people & know what they’re talking about.


Welcome Bobby

Hi. My name is Dave Scheg, and I was diagnosed using the DAT scan several weeks a go. My actual symptoms started almost a year ago. I was having trouble walking, my feet were draging and I was getting tremors in both hands. I was taking Vraylar and the doctors called the symptoms medication induced Parkinsons. I stopped taking the vraylar with no improvement, and now I am taking Sinamet 3x daily. I have limited relief from my symptoms, but nothing extraordinary. My hand trembling has gotten a little less pronounced, and my feet don’t shuffle as much. I do have trouble falling asleep and melatonin does not seem to work.

Good morning DaveS … welcome to our world. I got diagnosed last year after a positive Datscan. I too take Sinemet 2 pills 3 times a day. I too had trouble sleeping & when I did sleep I had terrible nightmares & my bedding was all over the place. This was caused by the medication I take. My Parkinson’s nurse said it was the Sinemet but I do take 4 different medications for other medical issues & the side effects are similar.

My GP would not prescribe sleeping pills & Melatonin didn’t work

So 7-10 days ago I was put on Quetiapine. 12.5mg for 7 days then 25mg a day. Now this is a remarkable drug. I get to sleep instantly & I still dream but no nightmares. The night before last I scored 2 goals for a premier league team. Strange as I haven’t played football since I was 20 years old, 50 years ago.

Best of luck

Hi all
I am 76 and just been diagnosed this week
ticked all the boxes so no need for scan
I can see that i have been suffering with this for 6-12 months or maybe longer
Good to have a label and pleased to have access to this site

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Welcome to our community forum. We hope you’ll have a look around and get to know the incredible people here, all of whom have contributed advice and wisdom throughout these pages. We’d also like you to be aware of our website, where you can find research news, archived forum threads, and loads of other information. Just visit Added to this we have a free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303 staffed with immensely capable advisors who offer a range of services, including helping you find Parkinson’s resources in your area.

We hope you’ll feel welcome and encouraged here.

With our warmest wishes,

Forum Moderator

Welcome Dave

Hi everyone Im Sue and my husband has Parkinsons, hes been diagnosed 2 years ago. Im still trying to grasp it all. Its been a difficult and worrying time.