Introducing myself

Hi smdug,

If you are looking into clinical trials there site you can register with as well as using the puk one it is the MJFOX TRIALFINDER website in fact I am currently on one now in London there are hundreds to chose from if you apply for any my advice is send a copy of DX letter and be as informative as you possibly can so you get noticed.


BB x

Thanks karen .contacted someone this morning about a pdgf trial but they had some problems with pumps ?etc ,i shall look up what you said,   and hopefully i can help       .... many thanks

Hi Keld, I've only just seen your post as I've not visited the forum for a while.

I didn't write it myself - it's a photo of an image on a t-shirt. It says:

"Happiness is ...playing a good song over & over, laughing at nothing, good hair days, pay day, getting lost, fresh air, Fridays, slow dancing, long weekends, climbing trees, meeting new people, chocolate, swimming in the rain, everything in balance, flirting, days off, catching up with an old friend, your favourite jeans, long hot showers, free stuff, sandy beaches, finding money, dancing, your last clean t-shirt, new shoes, popping bubble wrap, chick flicks, dunking biscuits in tea, the smell of rain, red wine, the sun on your face."

I don't necessarily like all these things, but liked the sentiment behind it.