Hello Forum members,
I have been caring for my husband for 14 years with Parkinsons and the past six years have been the challenge due to other health issues unrelated to his Parkinsons. I often feel isolated as I am his sole carer. My family live a long way away and I have some good friends but I can't ask them to sit with my husband as they would not want to help with his toilet requirements and personal things I have to do. They will sit in for a couple of hours occasionally but I cannot leave my husband alone. On a good day I can leave him for an hour or two at most, on a bad day never. Does anyone else feel alone and frightened of all the responsibilites of caring, running a house, sorting out tax, bills car? I always manage to do it and the past few years has changed me into a stronger person but I only show the outside world the smiley face and close friends a few tears but nobody really knows the "real me" when we are having a bad time. I have "lost" my husband bit by bit mentally and physically so I cannot share the things I used to with him as he does not understand. Some friends of his have distanced themselves from him which is upsetting for me. I think they don't know what to say or do. The friends who have stayed true are pure gold. The reason I joined the Forum was to chat to others who may be feeling the same. Some days are good and others bad but when something goes wrong in the house or with the car etc. I seem to be in tears instantly. I feel I live on the edge most of the time. Sorry to get it off my chest but does anyone else feel like this? I sometimes feel guilty too in that I get exasperated with my husband (well his condition is the reason) but I am only human and do the best I can. Thanks for listening.