I was diagnosed over 15 years ago I'm 54 now, shocked no dow't ,but this may sound crazy, but I've had a problem with gambling since my early 20's. I had it under control thanks to G.A. ,but not my family they have never understood why I needed to gamble,I'd no excuses good upbringing ,well paid job ,etc. But neither have I.
After being diagnosed ,I was prescribed a drug with compulsive side effects,which if I'd known at the time would have stopped a lot of heart ache and saved a lot of money ,it total changed my personality with in 2 weeks I was gambling uncontrollably .I split up with my girlfriend of 2 years ,moved into a one bedroom flat telling friends I needed the money for shopping ,etc all lies .totally out of control.
This continued for 5 months until a friend say a news report ,about the drug I was taking had compulsive property's, after consulting my then consultant ,he never took any responsibility ,if only he'd told me the possible side effects, life would have been a lot easier to deal with Parkinson's
With in a month changing my prescription I woke up to what I was doing!!
life started again, my condition was under control for the next few years but as the condition progressed, my consultant just increasing my prescription with out seeing me,as you can see I was not impressed with his treatment off me, and all the time I was deteriorating ,But by a stroke of luck after 12 years of miss prescribing me ,a work colleague advised me I should disguise this with my GP as my colleague had medical experience he came along with to my GP appointment , Thank God !
Within a month I was seeing a consultant in Lancaster who has a lot of knowledge of Parkinson's ,with another month I was seeing a consultant at the Walton Centre, Liverpool to disguise Deep Brain Simulation ,A life changer for me,as by now my tremor was becoming a nuisance,within 6 months ,I'd had the operation ,quite a experience if anyone has had the operation, but well worth it. My surgeon is now up there with Ali (Boxer) as my all time hero.
Well this just about rounds up my tail
Thing are not perfect ,poor balance,no smell,no expression (pan face),I had to under duress to give up work 18 months ago.