Just an experience

Hi all, we're closing this thread because it has breached the terms and conditions of the forum:

2.1.11 Do not post messages advertising commercial products or services, 'junk mail', 'spam', 'chain letters' or any other form of solicitation.

Our terms and conditions can be found in full here - http://www.parkinsons.org.uk/user_policy.aspx

We'd also like to remind people of our forum rules, in particular the section on staying safe:

The forum is public and everything that is posted can be found on search engines. People are not necessarily who they say they are on the forum. Keep yourself safe by sticking to the following rules:

- Never use your real name or email address as your username.
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- Don't share your password.
- If you contact someone using private messaging, they'll have access to your email address.
- Forum members sometimes arrange to meet each other. If you decide to do this, do meet in a public place and use caution. Always make sure someone knows where you are.
- We can't monitor emails sent so think carefully before you send a private message.

Our forum rules can be found in full here - http://www.parkinsons.org.uk/forumrules

Fellow PWP musician here… can you share your music…?