Hello all, I’m a 69 year old male and literally just received my formal diagnosis of PD. I thought I had prepared myself but I was wrong…it feels like this has hit me pretty hard and at the moment I feel like I dont know which way to turn…what to do/not do, what to read/not read, who to listen to and who to ignore. Don’t get me wrong, I’m lucky to be surrounded by loving family and friends but at the moment even the act of telling people seems daunting. Thought I’d lurk on this forum for a bit and see what I can pick up. All comments always welcome of course.
Hello Stevewheel - we’re sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Please note that we are always here for you should you need support. You have also joined a great place, our forum community will be able to offer you support and advice.
Please do not hesitate to reach out!
All the best
Afternoon Steve … Sorry to hear of your Parkinson’s diagnosis. I was diagnosed in
June 2023 following a positive datscan. I am 70 years old & have had cancer & find Parkinson’s much the better of the two to deal with. I take 6 Co-careldopa pills a day & 1 Rasagiline pill. These help manage the symptoms I have. If you have any questions please ask.
Best wishes
Thanks for the welcome folks, certainly seems very friendly on here. The Docs are talking about starting me on Rasagiline (?) Not sure if I’ve spelt that correctly…anyone have any experience?
Hi Stevewheel I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago and vividly remember worrying about telling people. The best thing I did was to come clean and accept what was wrong and let friends and family know in fact anyone to whom it would be relevant. It made me feel stronger and less alone and everyone were understanding.
As regards resagiline I now take one tablet a day to supplement the madopar I was first prescribed. My understanding is that it helps to even out the effect of the madopar. It works for me but then everyone is different. Good luck
Many thanks @Hemyock , most helpful
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I was diagnosed last March and certainly recognise the feelings you mention.
I still don’t feel like I have totally come to terms with it and feel the daily reminders of the difficulties it can bring make that difficult.
From personal experience, I have found speaking to people and being open about it helps but I suspect not everyone would say the same.
I am new to this forum too and have joined to see whether speaking to people going through the same things helps.
I sincerely hope it does for you