Juvenile Parkinsons or Dystonia?


So I have just started a trial of L-Dopa thinking I may have Dopa Responsive Dystonia. However I have been reading a bit about Juvenile Parkinsons and how the symptoms are very similar to that of someone with DRD. Also I think I got my condition through a virus when I was 4 and not hereditory and I was reading that post virus infection could lead to a higher chance of Juvenile Parkinsons.

I was wondering what age people on here were diagnosed at and what their symptoms were when they were younger? My issues really started when I was about 13/14 with really tight achy muscles which then became short leading to a slightly off walking gait. I do believe this is more DRD but what worries me is that now at 37 my dopamine levels seemed to have crashed and my progression has got worse (not just physically but also affecting other areas like becoming withdrawn, not interested in much, no enthusiasm etc so am wondering am I starting to loose dopamine and is full on Parkinsons setting in.

Hi Phil,

If you think you may have Parkinson’s, it’s vital that you speak to a health professional about this as soon as possible. Our website has all the information and advice you need before speaking to them: https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/information-and-support/do-i-have-parkinsons

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

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