Knee surgery and PD

Hello, my 86 year old mum really needs a total knee replacement due to arthritis. We saw the consultant today and he said we can leave it and she will remain in pain, and it will worsen and further reduce her mobility and quality of life or have a total knee replacement. Which he would do given the severity of her ‘shot’,knee. He was very good at highlighting the issues with surgery for her given age, increased mortality rate and increased rate of needing residential home care after owing to the trauma of the intervention as he described it. Mum and I live together by the way. She isn’t on any meds yet for PD as early stages. Probably could start soon but neurologist not in a hurry.

Have you or know of a similar aged person had a new knee and how was it post surgery (they would use a nerve block not general )? What do we need to think through re surgery and PD? She is seeing towards having it done as she is miserable not being able to move with out pain so no joy for her.

Thank you

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Good morning Goodgrief20 … I am 70, I have Parkinson’s & Neuropathy / Parkinson’s caused mobility issues.

I have had two recent knee operations, the last of which was a year ago. I have played [field] hockey into my early 60’s on hard unforgiving astro-turf pitches. The first of the two surgeons said I was 50/50 as to whether I should have a new knee. The day of my first operation I shared with two knee replacement patients. They both had spinal jabs & were conscious during the operations. They put a sheet from your waist up so you do not see them working on your knee. I saw them both a month later when we all came in for the follow up consultation. They both joked that they thought it annoying that the surgery had the workmen in what with all the sawing & banging going on. Of course the banging & sawing was on their knees.

My operation had been more of a file down & tidy up operation for which I had a general anaesthetic. This operation did not work but the second one 5 years later
did & my knee is now totally pain free.

I also played a lot of golf with fit older men in their 60’s & 70’s who have had knee replacements. All the ones I spoke to were very pleased with the outcome. BUT it took a lot of painful physiotherapy taking a long time to get to the nearly good as new knees they have now.

How long does it take a 70 year old to recover from knee surgery?

The first 12 weeks following surgery are vital for healing. These first weeks set the tone for the full recovery. Most people can expect to feel fully recovered after a year

What is the recovery time for an 85 year old knee replacement?

Most patients will see a significant improvement in their knee function by 12 weeks. However, a full recovery can take up to 18 months.

Clearly in your Mum’s case she is getting advice by a consultant who knows your Mum’s condition & the pain she is under & that her quality of life is down the toilet.

There is obviously a high risk in an 86 year old having such significant surgery.
Must be your Mum’s decision.

I don’t think having Parkinson’s is much of an issue although this sort of significant procedure might progress the disease. But everyone is different.

Do let us know how things go.

Best of luck

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