Link between hepatitis pd?

I was reading an article the other day where scientists were studying a possible link between people who had contracted hepatitis and went on to get Pd. It interested me as I had infectious hepatitis when I was 15yrs. So I was wondering if anyone on here had had hepatitis too prior to Pd. Apparently the toxins from the liver can destroy the brain cells. or as in my case cell.

Hi @roberto,

I haven’t seen you on the forum in a while, welcome back! :slight_smile:

You raise a really interesting question and we’ve actually explored this topic on our blog which you can find here -

If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Best wishes,

thanks for that. Very interesting. I don’t recall having any drugs when I was admitted to an isolation ward . I was just made to drink gallons of glucose / water and a no fat diet.

You’re welcome, @roberto. It’ll be interesting if anyone else on the forum has had a similar experience to you. We also have further information on this here -

Best wishes,

thanks again. Does that mean that the infection stays in the brain and slowly spreads? if so , wouldn’t it be possible to trace this when donor brains are investigated?

Hi @roberto,

Unfortunately, I’m not medically qualified to confirm these. However, one of our advisers would be happy answer any questions you have about this. Please give them a call on 0808 800 0303 from Monday-Friday: 9am-7pm, Saturday: 10am-2pm, or you can email [email protected].

I hope this is helpful.

Best wishes,

thank you , I will have a look tomorrow.