Living in Singapore with PD

I am a 59-year-old British citizen living in Singapore, recently diagnosed with PD. I suffered from stiff middle fingers on right hand and thought it was due to me researching a doctorate and typing too much. Then worst of all, my golf game became incredibly poor…then I knew something was wrong.

I have been back at work for two weeks since diagnosis and hospital stay. In honesty, I feel ok after taking Levodopa and thiamin. Confidence is a bit damaged but all in all ok. It’s early days.

I tried playing golf (after a two-month break) on Saturday and it was not pretty, but I gave it a go. I have started swimming on a daily basis and hopefully can get to a gym soon.

I am travelling to Australia tomorrow on a business trip, so hopefully all goes ok.

Hi and welcome to our friendly forum, @peterhone. I’m sure we have some other golf enthusiasts here who will appreciate your situation. It’s never easy to hear a diagnosis of Parkinson’s, but it sounds as if you are coping so far and managing to carry on as normal. While your ego may have suffered a little after that golf game, I bet you have the next one lined up already. As well, swimming is such a great exercise for body and mind. Well done!

Best of luck with your trip to Australia. It will be great to see some summer weather🌞 Nothing like it to raise your spirits.

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