The welfare system is going through serious reform at the moment with more changes to Personal Independence Payment and Attendance Allowance on the horizon. We need your help to make these reforms fair for people with Parkinson’s.
We’re looking for volunteers to talk regularly to their MPs and people in their community about how welfare reforms are affecting people with Parkinson’s. We can get Parliament to listen by encouraging MPs to speak up on our behalf.Sign up as a volunteer for our campaign
Appropriate financial support is vital for people affected by Parkinson’s so that they can focus on taking control of their condition and not money worries.Volunteer to become a Local Welfare Champion now and by spreading the views of people affected by Parkinson’s, you can help us change the tone of conversation about welfare from ‘scroungers’ to a vital support for disabled people.
We’ll give you all the training you need. We’re just looking for people who are able to communicate and have a passion to protect financial support for people with Parkinson’s.Apply to be a volunteer now
Many thanks,
Eorann Lean
Parkinson’s UK Campaigns Team
Wish i could Eorann but one of the hardest things i find is actually Talking, it's easy to sit here and type, put it into words at my own speed, Not only am i fighting or trying too fight this illness I'm also dealing with the grief of the loss of My Girlfriend Clare and sadly a diagnosis of skin Cancer for my mother.
My mp or the person elected by some, votes strongly against benefits always has done, I watched her only a few week's ago when mp's were discussing reversing work related ESA and whether they should look into the impact of it, she only appeared at the vote, the disabled lost.